BREAKING NEWS: Cocaine worth 50,000,000 euros discovered in Coca Cola plant in southern France. That's all. Just coke in Coke. Makes sense...

1. OJ prosecutor Chris Darden says many witnesses have come forward since the trial. Just last week, an eyewitness says that she saw OJ near the scene of the murder that night. Given the opportunity, the same woman will tell you that Elvis pumped gas for her in Mobile last month. Don't make me release...

2. Colin Powell showed his son how to wear a bicycle helmet, saying that his chances of surviving an accident are greatly enhanced if he wears one. He doesn't remember actually recommending that his son wear a helmet. Powell remembers telling Hillary how he set up his private email server and telling her that the server greatly improved Department communications. But he doesn't remember actually recommending that she use a private server. Don't make me release...

3. The price of an EpiPen has increased from $57 to over $500 on average in the US since 2007. And no one knows why. The CEO (with a $19,000,000 compensation package who says that it's all the fault of the insurance companies) developed her social conscience at the knee of her father, a United States Senator. OK. Release the damn Flying Monkeys.

4. Dennis Rodman carrying Eddie Vedder. You can't unsee it...

5. French beach resorts resort to banning the burqini. Because the response to intolerance is to be intolerant... 

For centuries after Mohammad died, Muslim artists depicted him in beautiful sacred art. Now, such depictions are a sin punishable by death. 50 years ago, headscarves were simply not fashionable in Iran. The revolution and the rise of the wahabi cult in Saudi Arabia changed that. So, Islam changes. Islam will change...unless we stiffen the resolve of the crazies by acting like crazies ourselves.

THE ONE BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT, OVERRIDING ISSUE: Have you noticed the number of times that district courts in the US have overturned restrictive voter ID laws and restrictive abortion laws lately? Could it be that with Scalia's death, the Supreme Court is likely to rule 4-4 on such cases, leaving lower court rulings in place? And that fact emboldens lower court judges who otherwise would have been reversed? And lower court judges don't like to be reversed.

Folks who don't understand that the Supreme Court is the most important issue in the upcoming American Presidential election just aren't paying attention.

Was there ever a more perfect combination of singer, songwriter, and instrument?

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