How did exercise become so popular? It seems that more and more folks in Quarante have heard of our little walking group and want to participate. So when Walk Meister Roger announced the latest in the series, nine people signed up. Since a tenth would bike from Quarante to meet the group as the walk finished, joining us in Cessenon sur Orb for coffee (or beer for 7 of the 10 of us, as it turned out), we had to decide whether just two or maybe three cars were in order.

Transportation arrangements settled, we left for Cessenon on a brisk October morning. The weather and the walking warmed us quickly, though, as one by one jackets and fleece and long-sleeved shirts were shed. Check out the BLUE sky. By the end, the beers (and the coffee) in the little bar/cafe in the center of Cessenon were most welcome. Between the beverages and the pain au chocolat picked up from the bakery across the street, we'd squandered any weight-loss benefits that the walk may have provided. But the sun and the scenery and the companionship were well worth the time spent and the effort.

You can learn more about the walk entitled Coumiac HERE. Enjoy the pics.

Nine walkers, two cars.

Parking facing the Orb across from Cessenon's center.

Off we go.

It looks like we're headed into the woods.

The Orb flows and murmurs off to our left.

Wait a minute. Flat and headed to a suburban development?

Yep. A very suburban development, French style.

OK. Out into the vines.

Flat but getting scenic.

Another stone wall for my collection.

Interesting rock. We need our resident geologist John. But he's back home in the Lake Country.

Color in the vines persists.

Still flat.

Still flat

Still flat...but starting to get some scenery now.

Could this be a hill?

Finally, the view begins to open up.

That's the Orb down there

I wish that I was a better photographer with a better camera to show you that single, yellow-leafed tree on the distant ridge.

Can you see the drip irrigation hose running just under the leaves?

Here's a better shot of it. Why irrigate vines already harvested? The drought?

More walls. Well maintained. Maybe for terracing?

There's town. Roger's leadership justified.

Bathtub in a driveway picture. Why not?

The bells of Cessenon struck noon as we arrived back in town.

The view of the Orb from Cessenon's iron bridge as we crossed to make our way to the bar downtown.

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