#24 - #FreeSpeechMatters, PUTIN, FAMILY LEAVE

If you don't know what came down at Wesleyan University, look it up. Simply stated, a student wrote a respectful, thoughtful, but politically conservative op-ed in the student newspaper of a notoriously liberal institution. All hell broke loose. He's been castigated for voicing an opinion that differed from the norm, made a pariah.

He hurt peoples' feelings.

We are learning that we have raised a generation of easily bruised youth, protected in their homes and their schools from uncomfortable thoughts and speech. A generation that grew up being praised for simply playing the game rather than for winning. A generation that is having a difficult time in a world that has demands, that punishes failure, that is full of folks in authority who don't give a damn about hurt feelings.

Look up what happened at Wesleyan. Decide who was in the right. Discuss among yourselves.

"My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then."

The above quote is generally attributed to Georges Clemenceau upon being 'confronted' with the accusation that his son was a Communist. Whoever the originator, the meaning is clear. In youth, we seek the different, the exotic, the ideal. Age brings wisdom.

There was a time when it was fashionable for American intellectuals to flirt with Soviet-style Communism, a time when the Brits were having trouble keeping their secrets secret because of their intelligentsia's fascination with the East. That dalliance ended for my generation a while back. But Russia has a new pinup boy in Vladimir Putin. My young Progressive friends from around the world are fascinated with the guy.

Folks my age just roll our eyes. Clearly, history teaches us nothing.

Congress is scheduled to be in session all of 132 days this year.

Paul Ryan will only accept election as Speaker of the House if he can spend time with his family.

Just 13% of American families have access to paid family leave.

Paul Ryan voted against paid leave for federal employees.

Fuck Paul Ryan.

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