John McDaniel died a while back from COVID-19, a little more than one month after he repeatedly criticized Ohio's stay-at-home orders on Facebook. Bullshit, he said. Political ploy, he said. Now, his family says that if he had only known the seriousness of the disease, he would have acted differently. While I don't wish to speak ill of the dead, McDaniel knew the seriousness of the disease by the time he made those social media posts in March. He just chose to ignore it. If you believe in science, if you believe that two plus two equals four and not some number approximating four, the information was available. He knew. He didn't believe. So, he died.

You put a loaded gun with the safety off into your back pocket. You go to the movies. The gun goes off when you sit down, injuring the guy sitting behind you. That's reckless endangerment. You knew, or should have known, that your actions were irresponsible and put lives at risk. Reckless endangerment. It's a felony.

You have HIV/AIDS. You hook up in a bar. You don't tell your potential partner of your condition. You have unprotected sex. That's reckless endangerment. You knew, or should have known, that your actions were irresponsible and put lives at risk. Reckless endangerment. It's a felony.

You are sick of confinement. You decide to take Granny shopping. You don't wear a mask because you feel healthy. But you have asymptomatic COVID-19. You give Granny a hug when she comes through the door, you give Granny COVID-19, and Granny dies. You are not only an idiot, you are a felon. Claiming that it's your Constitutional right to be an idiot is, of course, true. But knowing, or having sufficient information available that you should have known, that your actions were irresponsible and put Granny's life at risk goes beyond idiocy. Reckless endangerment. It's a felony.

So don't talk to me about your fooking rights to leave your house or to not wear a mask during a pandemic. It's not about you. It's about your concern for people that you love, people that you know, and people that you don't know. It's about keeping the safety engaged. It's about being a responsible partner. It's about being a decent human being and not a felon whose actions endanger other peoples' lives.

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