Spokesman Mel N. Yull announced that the progressive Justice Democrats would be endorsing the candidacy of Eugene V. Debs for President of the United States in 2020. The following interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

BLOGGER: That's quite a surprise. Why did you decide to endorse Debs?

MEL N. YULL: Debs was a great orator, an unabashed socialist. He's...

BLOGGER: He's dead. You know that, right?

MEL N. YULL: Of course. And he was an old white guy before he died. But we can overlook that.

BLOGGER: Do you think that the voters can? Do you think that you can elect a dead man, old and white or otherwise?

MEL N. YULL: Of course not. But that's not the point. Purity is the point. And there's nobody who can represent Democratic Socialism better than Debs.

BLOGGER: So winning doesn't matter.

MEL N. YULL: Look, Justice Democrats endorsed 79 candidates in Democratic primaries in 2018. Seven made it to Congress. If winning mattered, we'd have been kicked to the sidelines long ago. Winning doesn't matter. Twitter followers matter.

BLOGGER: Have you picked a running mate for Debs yet?

MEL N. YULL: We're keeping our options open. Some of us wanted to cross party lines and consider John McCain. But two dead white guys was simply too much. Harriet Tubman has a great backstory but wasn't political enough. Shirley Chisholm gets my vote.

BLOGGER: She's dead. You know that, right? What am I saying? Of course you do. Let me ask you this. When do you envision electing a candidate endorsed by Justice Democrats to the Presidency?

MEL N. YULL: What difference does it make? As long as that candidate is pure.

BLOGGER: And breathing?

MEL N. YULL: That would be ideal but not necessary.

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